
Multi-Media Artist

'wHite oN bLack'

4' x5'

acrylic & mixed media

Lens based Post Conceptual image from BC Sugar, Vancouver

painting reflecting racism in 'Trumps'  America 

re; Charlottesville, Virginia race riots

Aug. 12 ,2017

'oRange & bLue'

guache on paper

'oOga bOoga'


​acrylic mixed media.


wood,acrylic, clay,screws 

a 3D installation

2' x2.5'

(1/2 of image)

Abstracted Still Life

pastel chalk on paper

'tHe pEnthouse'

abstract rusted steel box

found object on the roof of the Penthouse night club during DaVinci's Inquest TV series

1019 Seymour St.


'pEar and tIger Lilies'

polaroid transfer onto Indonesian rag paper



'aNjeno iNferno'

aLien hELL

manipulated multiplied single image

'oRibtal gLass'

(Girlfriend's Guide to Divorce)

Origin of the World

(a manipulated Gustuv Corbert digital image)

'rUsty aNchor' 

Vanier park

Vancouver BC.

​aBstract iMages

Copyright in Perpetuity  jOnezi- mUltimedia aRtist. All Rights Reserved

'sYrian dOors'

digital image

'bLue iRises'

(digital photo)

End of frame digital diptych

End of frame digital diptych # 3

A photo based manipulated image

'zAg ziG zAg'

'cOmet & mArs'

 Painted SX 70 Polaroid


 My happiness


​acrylic on canvas